Showing posts with label pedagogi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pedagogi. Show all posts

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

6 Fasa Taksonomi Digital Bloom

Post kali ini saya ingin kongsikan tentang Taksonomi Bloom yang wajib semua guru tahu teori dan praktisnya. Teori Taksonomi Bloom yang pernah dipelajari saya, terdapat 6 aras iaitu : Pengetahuan, Kefahaman, Aplikasi, Analisis, Sintesis dan Penilaian.

Taksonomi Bloom ini digunapakai dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (kalau gunalah), serta selalu dikaitkan apabila guru membuat soalan ujian yang dimestikan menyediakan borang Jadual Spesifikasi Unit (JSU, kalau dibuatlah).

Kitar Pembelajaran / Learning Cycle

Kitar Pembelajaran / Learning cycle, berdasarkan Wikipedia
The learning cycle is a research-supported method for education, particularly in science[1]. The learning cycle has five overlapping phases:
  1. Engage: in which a student's interest is captured and the topic is established.
  2. Explore: in which the student is allowed to construct knowledge in the topic through facilitated questioning and observation.
  3. Explain: in which students are asked to explain what they have discovered, and the instructor leads a discussion of the topic to refine the students' understanding.
  4. Extend: in which students are asked to apply what they have learned in different but similar situations, and the instructor guides the students toward the next discussion topic.
  5. Evaluate: in which the instructor observes each student's knowledge and understanding, and leads students to assess whether what they have learned is true. Evaluation should take place throughout the cycle, not within its own set phase.